Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush




Natural Beauty .2 oz. $25 at Sephora





I love this blush! I told you about wanting to get it last week and over the weekend I got one! I really liked a bunch of the colors but I decided on my favorite, a color called Natural Beauty. It’s a really nice strawberry red color. This blush is packed with a bunch of vitamins and Tarte’s Amazonian Clay. This clay is in a lot of their products and they say it benefits all skin types. It helps hydrate dry skin and minimize the oil for oilier skin tones. I found that it stays on all day. Not only does it stay on, it looks just like you applied it ten hours later.

I have dry cheeks during this time of year and an oily t-zone so this is perfect for me. The color is amazing.









That’s my finger after one quick swipe. It’s really pigmented. I am loving this blush over all. It’s pricey but worth it!

Rated A

Disclosure: I purchased this product myself!

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