(Closed) TGIF Giveaway Kat Von D & NYX Mashup

Giveaways are fun aren’t they?! I mailed a bunch of TGIF Giveaway stuff this week and I had 3 International winners! Woo hoo!

Have you ever tried a Kat Von D eyeshadow? I have several of these duo’s and palettes and they are fantastic. Pictured above are two beautiful duo’s from Sephora. They both have a shimmer side (on the left) which I think is so cool. The blue is called Moonshine and the green is called King Cobra.

NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss is beautiful. If you haven’t tried one of them before then I really think you will like them. The red shade is called Juicy Red, it’s a nice clear glossy red. The pink is called Dolly Pink. What can I say, both are gorgeous!

Giveaway ends on May 6th!


1-Comment/Leave a Reply on this post ONCE and let me know which you like more in your everyday routine, lip gloss or eyeshadow? Which of those two do you use most?

For me I think it’s lip gloss:)

Make sure you leave the best email address to reach you at in the Mail: Will not be published/required area. Ok? Only I can see your email address if you put it in that area.

2-One entry per person, international readers welcome. I have to mail this to you, only enter if that’s ok!

I’ll contact the winner on May 7th by email!

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  1. Shantih says

    Well, I can’t walk out the door with out a little lip gloss/stick…so I think that’s what I would use most:)

  2. monique says


  3. Lavendar says

    Absolutely, positively lipgloss. I’m addicted! Currently loving Becca and Revlon Super Lustrous. I must admit the NYC lip stains are taking my gloss to a whole ‘nother level thanks to Britt over at Clumps.

  4. Kiyoko says

    WOw, that’s a tough one. I guess I’d say in my everyday routine I use eyeshadow the most.
    I have to have SOMETHING on my eyes before going out. Whether it be eyeliner, eyeshadow or mascara.
    I don’t have to have something on my lips :D

  5. thepinkestbutterfly says

    I use lipgloss all the time. I heard good reviews about kat von D eyeshadows, and nyx lipglosses. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  6. Jessica says

    I would say eyeshadow because I don’t like my eye colour so I do like something to make them pop a bit more but I do love lipgloss too :)

  7. says

    What I use most is probably eyeshadow, i am lucky enough to love the natural colour of my lips and to feel very comfortable leaving them naked (dont get me wrong I love lipsticks and glosses, but if i had to choose). For me my eyes are my best feature and i love attracting more attention to them x

  8. Kaitlyn says

    i would have to say eyeshadow because i barely rare lip gloss and i can do a lot more looks with eyeshadows. i wear more lipstick than lip gloss; i love a matte finish to my lips.

  9. crissy2u20 says


    —Which you like more in your everyday routine, lip gloss or eyeshadow? Which of those two do you use most? —

    I like more the eyeshadow and of course I use it most because I like to kiss goodbye my boyfriend when I leave for work so I always skip the lip gloss.

    Thank you for this giveaway.


  10. Maria says

    Hey, as I am definitely not a morning person, I would have to choose lipgloss, even though I usually use sheer ones as my lips are naturally very red in colour which I absolutely love =]

  11. Sana says

    lip gloss is more important for me in my everyday routine just because i don’t like plain lips.. love your giveaways! :)

  12. says

    although i love eyeshadow, i don’t wear it every single day.
    lipgloss is most definitely a daily use makeup item. it’s a total struggle to make me choose though. LOL

  13. Miriam says

    I love my eyeshadow. When you meet people, I believe you need to make eye contact and I want my eyes to bling. I love my lip gloss, but in no way does it compare to my shadow.

  14. says

    I think its eyeshadow, but mostely a brown or a lighter colour and for my lips i use lipstick and only sometimes lipgloss.. but i love lipgloss :D:D:D lots of love ♥

  15. Cerise says

    Hey crystal!! I like eyeshadow more, but the one I use most often out of the 2 are definitely LIP GLOSS!! It is easy to apply on the go!

  16. Shari Buehrlen says

    Eyeshadow is a must..but gosh.. i have to go with LIPGLOSS if i had to only choose one!! Happy Birthday to the sweetest Beauty Guru of them all!!! xoxoxoxo

  17. Carrie S. says

    Tough choice, I normally can’t go without either, but I would have to say lipgloss. I can’t do dry or plain looking lips, mine always have to shine! :)

  18. Kristyn S. says

    King Cobra looks beautiful!

    I think I mostly reach for eyeshadow. I just love having that pop of color on my eyes (and that I don’t have to worry about upkeep for the rest of the day!)

  19. Irene says

    I think it must be the lip gloss! Because for everyday makeup,I want to make my eyes look more simple , but I like to make my lips look pinky and shiny!(:

  20. alyshia1387 says

    Eyeshadow is a must for me, even if it’s just a natural, barely there color. Eyeshadow seems to make my eyes more awake and with a little primer can last all day, even while on the run. Lipgloss is too much of a hassle to keep reapplying since for me I haven’t found one that lasts all day…any suggestions?!?!? :)

  21. says

    Hey chica,

    I love and use lipgloss the mos…the lips are very flattering on the face and sometimes eyeshadow is a little too much but lipgloss is just enough to give every gal a glow.

  22. Shari Mason says

    I’m a lipgloss girl – i have a heap of them in my mini makeup bag i keep in my handbag!

  23. Dee says

    I would use the eyeshadows the most because they would be my 1st Kat Von shadows so I’d go nutz:)

  24. Tammy says

    I definitely would say eyeshadow hands down just because I don’t EVERR use lipgloss. It does add a nice shine but it goes away pretty fast so I have to keep reapplying and my hair always sticks to it so it’s a bit inconvenient. And for me, my eyes are like.. what makes my whole face stand out (if that makes sense) and I usually just use a dark eyeshadow as eyeliner because it doesn’t make a harsh line and I can kind of just smudge it out. Plus I don’t have to worry about it “smearing” because it won’t! :) Eyeshadow really makes my eyes look bigger and more wide awake so it’s a must-have in my daily routine

  25. maria says

    I would have to say eyeshadow and mascara they help me look more awake when I’m tired. A little bit of both will do they trick

  26. deasira says

    I would say that I use lipgloss the most. I can usually just use a foundation or concealer to make my skin around my eyes even but you can’t do the same with the lips. I always always need to mousturize and use lipgloss. I would say I do this 10x more than putting on eye shadow

  27. Kelsey says

    I use a glossy lip balm every day and when I was younger I would have to say I used lip gloss multiple times a day but now it bugs me when my hair sticks to it…. so I definitely use eyeshadow more often (every day with at least one colour but usually 2 or 3 colours)

  28. Raven says

    Def lipgloss. Try to keep my lips covered. (Look at my pic lol I have a full set of lips, draws attention which is not always good)

  29. Shea' Scott says

    I Love the lipgloss! I always wear eyeshadow everyday, but I put it on once and that’s it, but when it comes to lipgloss I always have a couple different colors with me at all times!

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