(Closed) TGIF Giveaway: Like Us on Facebook & Win a Nars Multiple

Nars Malibu Multiple…it’s just beautiful. It’s a nice pinkish brown shade. This is a full size (.50 oz.) tube that retails for $39.

Nars multiples are really fun because they can be used on your cheeks or lips or even your eyes! It’s a multi purpose product and great for the spring/summer when you might want to use products that multi task for your beauty routine.

Giveaway ends on May 15th!


1-The winner will be a Facebook friend so Like Us on Facebook if you haven’t already-you can do that on the right side of this website. We are on Facebook as crystalis007.com.

2-Comment/Leave a Reply on this post ONCE and let me know where your favorite place to get cosmetics/makeup from. Is it at the drugstore, high-end cosmetics counter, or Sephora/Ulta? Or online?

My favorite is SEPHORA:)

Make sure you leave the best email address to reach you at in the Mail: Will not be published/required area. Ok? Only I can see your email address if you put it in that area.

3-One entry per person, international readers welcome. I have to mail this to you, only enter if that’s ok!

I’ll contact the winner on May 16th by email or Facebook privately!


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  1. monique lee says


  2. Caroline Royer says

    Being french, my favorite place to shop is also Sephora (go LVMH!)! I just love that place, it has everything you want.
    A strong contender (but i’d rather call it a complement to Sephora) is the big department store called Galeries Lafayette because they have Shu Uemura, MAC, Khiel’s, Korres, Nuxe etc, basically all the cosmetics a girl needs in her life!

    Another thing that we have here that doesn’t exist in the US are “parapharmacies” where they actually sell all the active cosmetics like Laroche Posay, Nuxe, Vichy, Terra Humana (my FAVOURITE at the moment), Sciences & Mer etc and lots of organic lines as well.

    All these 3 are enough to make a girl broke and live under a bridge (but yet smell and look wonderful :p )

  3. TianaDMS says

    I really love the drugstore make-up sales. I really love Ulta and Sephora, but there are sooo many fun products I get too overwhelmed in there! lol I would say I like online shopping, once I swatch and check things out in person first! lol

  4. Destinee Lowman says

    I would definitely have to say Ulta and Sephora online. I can pretty much get all I need in one place.

    But when I’m on my MAC kick and I just HAVE to have something, its their online store. I love to shop from my cpu screen lol

  5. says

    I love Ulta & Sephora most because they specialize in makeup & other beauty products, but I find myself purchasing at local drug stores because I can take care of multiple errands at the same time while there and still make a purchase on cosmetics. :)

  6. Deena says

    My favorite place to buy makeup is the drugstore, because I can use coupons and get affordable deals! I do love shopping at Sephora Online because they have nice goodies for Beauty Insiders!!

  7. sassyfied says

    My favorite is the Drug store, I’m all for a deal and the cheapest price, plus if it doesn’t work I can take it back. :)

  8. Milan says

    My fav place is definitely Sephora…its nice to be able to test out products before you buy and you can’t beat the selection and good service :)

  9. says

    Awesome giveaway! Ive always wanted to try a Nars multiple. Thanks for having this giveaway! I just liked you on facebook :) My facebook name is Nayda. I love getting makeup online because you can get great deals. Sometimes they even have really good sales at sephora!

  10. Shanelle says

    I recently started exploring makeup. My current stash is mostly from drugstores or beauty supply stores. I’m on a budget, so testing my skills on cheaper products works out. Thanks to bloggers like yourself, I learn more everyday.

  11. polly says

    My fave would be SEPHORA but ever since they closed the store in HK (bummer!) i shop online mostly from macys.

  12. says

    My favourite place to get make-up products is the drugstore, just because i havent enough money to get high-end products :D and i really like some brands from the drugstore..

    lots of love :*♥ hope i will win ;P

  13. Holly says

    My favorite place to shop for makeup is online. I feel like a have a million options at my fingertips! ….and there is less GUILT since there is no payment actually exchanging hands & you aren’t leaving with a heavy bag filled it!

  14. Evangelina ruiz says

    My favorite place is Walgreens are Cvs because i can use coupons and get deals=) Awesome giveaway

  15. 509kittykat says

    My favorite place ro buy make up is sephora !!!! They are great i liked u on facebook yay!!!

  16. 509kittykat says

    My favorite place to buy makeup is sephora !!! I love em they are great !!! I liked u on facebook yayyy!!!

  17. Cerise says

    For cosmetics it would definitely be the drug store..lol I have never shopped at a “high end” makeup counter. Can’t afford it..lol but yes Drugstore (CVS, Walgreens) is my fave place to shop for cosmetics

  18. Sharice says

    My favorite place to buy makeup is MAC, Benefit and cherryculture.com. You can find some really good deals on NYX products on cherryculture and what girl doesn’t like the shopping experience from department store make up counters!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  19. Carrie S. says

    I really love shopping at Ulta because you can get higher end brands as well as the drugstore brands and Ulta has really great sales on all the products.

  20. Emme says

    target is my favorite store to get makeup at because it is inexpensive and has good brands like sonia kashuk, jemma kid, and elf

  21. Cynthia F. says

    I love so many places but I would definitely say that my favorite is Sephora. It is like a huge candy store for me – yummy. So many different great brands just like so many different candy flavors and colors. I love it and I could certainly spend hours there.

  22. Asia says

    Nordy’s be far….I just love the SA and I always get tonssssss of samples:)!!

    O and happy happy happy bday…mines on May 19th….and you better believe I’m COUNTING down the daysssss!!! #TaurusRock!!

  23. Luciana Mello says

    My favorite place in Brazil is SACKS, but when I’m in US, just can’t get enough of sephora!!! Just love it! :)

  24. Paige S says

    My favorite place to shop for makeup is Sephora! I like shopping online too, but I like to be able to actually test or sample the products before I order.

  25. Sara says

    I love Sephora, its like makeup heaven and when I go I never want to leave that place. Parting is such, such a sorrow lol! Love it:)

  26. Girlie says

    I see every 1 said Sephora:( I never been so I would say my fav is the drugstore they have so many brands u can choose from.

  27. tdavida92 says

    My Fav. place to purchase makeup is online after i have checked out some reviews on it so that i know what i’m getting myself into with the product.

  28. says

    My fav place to get makeup is M.A.C. because i just love the feel and atmosphere of it there. Also their makeup quality is really great. Their products last all day long which is very key.

  29. Jessica says

    My favourite place is my local drug store Superdrug :) They sell things SO much cheaper and since I cant REALLY afford a lot its good lol :)

  30. says

    my favourite place to buy makeup products is in a local drugstore because it’s cheap and it’s near my house.. but i have a lot of products from sephora too

  31. Shari Mason says

    I buy my makeup online – only because I live in a regional area and we don’t have much in the way of ‘good’ makeup shops!

  32. Ashley says

    My favorite place to get cosmetics is either sephora if I feel like splurging but more commonly just the drugstore or wal-mart from the hard candy line.

  33. Tammy says

    I’d have to say Sephora when there’s some specific brand name product I want (like Urban Decay or Make Up Forever :D). Plus I love to go there to just play around with the makeup/test out some things :)
    But if I just want mascara or some sort of general thing like lipstick/blush that I don’t really care if it’s drugstore or high end, then I love to go to Target! Seriously it has like everythinnnngg and it’s cheaper than CVS :)

  34. Claire says

    I love shopping instore however i find myself online more as it is so much easier :)
    usually it is Sephora or drugstore.com

  35. Morgan says

    My favorite place is ulta or ulta.com because it hace both high end and drug store products. and theres almost always a B1G1 free of some sort of sale.

  36. Tara says

    My favorite place to buy makeup is probably Ulta since I can shop “drugstore” and higher end brands all in one.

  37. Serena says

    My favorite place to buy makeup would be sephora, I love that I can try things there and get samples to try as well.

  38. Jytan says

    Drugstore…bcz i can’t afford to buy high end cosmetics but that ain’t gonna stop me from loving cosmetics….♥~~

  39. Imaan says

    My fav place for make up is where ever i am when the mood strikes lol Walmart, sephora, cvs, Ulta, AllCosmeticsWholesale.com , cherryculture.com, RiteAid.. they all rock!! :D

  40. Kelsey says

    I usually buy all of my makeup at the drugstore or at walmart just because I’m still a student and can’t spend too much money right now :(

  41. Dejeniera says

    I love going to Sephora. It’s so well organised, shiny and pretty. Always end up buying something.

  42. Shea' Scott says

    My favorite place to purchase makeup is Sephora! I love how they have such a large selection! Also if I have alot of money for makeup(which does not happen much in this economy!) I love Eve Pearl! I love how she takes out the guess work in finding the perfect foundation for your skin color! She also have beautiful colors that look beautiful will all skin tones!

  43. Kierra Dixon says

    My favorite place to get make-up is at the drugstore. I love to find high quality make-up for lower prices!

  44. Tiffany says

    Sephora gives me life! But since I don’t live in a city with a Sephora, I’ve grown to love Sephora.com. The MAC Counter is also my best friend if they have an awesome makeup artist working.

  45. FatimaSaid says

    The drugstore is my favourite place to get make up and beauty products! Because i don’t spend too much on make up and beauty products i find that my local drugstore – boots or superdrug – are the right places for me. I find everything there and they’re at great prices and great quality!

  46. Mariah says

    My favorite place to get makeup is definitely Sephora! They have almost every brand you can think of. I also love Ulta for nail polishes :) ..and of course my MAC counter!

  47. Jalesa says

    Sephora hands down! There is such a wide selection of products you can choos from and the rewards program just makes me want to spend more. (I am even a V.I.B. cause I’m addicted) :D I also love E.L.F products because it’s affordable and pretty good quality

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