(Closed) TGIF Giveaway: Stila Color Wheel (Google Friends)


It’s my birthday month and I’ll give away stuff if I want to! Please read the directions and enter to WIN!

Contest ends May 20th!


1-You must be signed up as a Google Friend (Use the Google Friend Join this Site button) of this site!

2-Comment/Leave a Reply on this post and let me know what month your birthday is in!

3-One entry per person, international readers welcome. I have to mail this to you, only enter if that’s ok!

I’ll contact the winner on May 21st by email or using Google Friend Connect.

Good luck!

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  1. Aiiha says

    coincidentally my birthday is in may too *high five*
    mines this upcoming monday – 9th of may
    which i will be turning sixteen ^^

    & happy advance birthday to you :D

  2. Shea' Scott says

    Hello, my Birthday is in May! I was born May17,1981! So Happy Birthday my fellow Taurus!

  3. Sandy says

    My birthday is in November. I am having issues with the GFC button,it says not available, but I followed through Blogger as slgkag and sandragrose. Thanks!

    • says

      If your on the website under the Youtube video’s on the right side of the page there is a join this site with google friend connect to click on. There are all these faces there which are so beautiful:) I can’t see you as being added yet.

  4. Jenny says

    august! :)

    The google friends thing below the youtube video says:

    ‘We’re sorry…

    This gadget is configured incorrectly. Webmaster hint: Please ensure that “Friend Connect Settings – Home URL” matches the URL of this site.’

  5. Caroline R says

    My birthday’s in October, i’m a libra baby! :p
    What day is your birthday? My boyfriend’s is also in May, on the 30th.

  6. kenya says

    my bday is May. the 22nd. I want this so badly especially a great bday present. i just looking for the google friend thing then i will be set.

  7. kenya says

    it says the google friend connect is not installed correctly on your site and will not let me logg to it. hear are the words.
    We’re sorry…

    This gadget is configured incorrectly. Webmaster hint: Please ensure that “Friend Connect Settings – Home URL” matches the URL of this site.

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