This Just In: 4 Mac Eye Shadows and A Lipglass

The Mac Me Over Collection came out last month. At first I had a bunch of stuff to purchase from the release but as I sat back and watched the reviews I decided that I just wanted a few shadows and a lip gloss. I’m more excited about some Paint Pots and a few other things they have coming out this month. I also picked up a pretty eye shadow from the Bloggers Obsessions Collection before it’s gone.

My much smaller order arrived and I thought I’d show you my picks! Everything looks beautiful, I’m excited about using all this pretty stuff.








Spite Lipglass









Sparkle Neely, Sparkle! Eye Shadow-Bloggers Obsessions Collection









Satin Taupe Eye Shadow









Mythical Eye Shadow









Carbonized Eye Shadow

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    • says

      I love it. I passed on it and then read on one of my favorite blogs that it’s a great color on deeper skin tones and she showed a picture and I was ON IT. So pretty!

  1. ShopAtSpicywedding says

    Love the mythical eyeshadow. Can you take a pic of what it looks like ON you? I got something similar from Inglot a few weeks ago….but have yet to try it on!

    • says

      I am horrible at taking pictures of my eyes. I take all my pics myself of myself and its not pretty. I have to work on that because I know it would be helpful to see these colors on.

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