Smoke and Ashes, Stone Cold, Luxe and Lush, and Foie Gras
I love this collection and last week after finding the four colors above sold out at my local Sally’s Beauty Supply I went online and got the last few colors I needed at Transdesign for $2.99 each. The shipping was almost $9 but I paid $4.99 a bottle at Sallys sooo there you go. Anyway my order came today and here’s a closer look in case you haven’t seen these colors yet.
Smoke and Ashes (black based teal shimmer) and Stone Cold (matte grey w/shimmer)
Luxe and Lush (flaky overcoat) and Foie Gras (dark cream taupe)
I picked up Riveting and Fast Track already so I’m done. Have you got your eye on any of these colors from the Hunger Games Collection? Do tell!
Rene says
The Smoke and Ashes looks beautiful. Funny b/c I was just watching a review by Amarixe on You Tuse about these same colors.
Maria Jose says
Smoke and Ashes & Luxe and Lush look sooo nice ♥! Looking forward to see them on your nails! ^^