This Week I Love or Hate-April!

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  1. Angie says

    You look stunning. Love the eyeshadow on your eyes. What colors are you wearing? Also, recs for waterproof eyeliners for waterline for oily eyelids?

      • Angie says

        Thanks… you are amazing. I love this site and ure honest opinions without being a brand snob. I stumble upon your website recently, after watching Lisa Eldrige Tutorial and was looking for a swatch of YSL lipstick she wore.

        I’ll try the recs you gave me. Hopefully it doesn’t give raccoon eyes like other liners :)

        You should do a video tutorial on eye make up application. I am a beginner. I find my eye shape similar to yours. By the way I am of Indian origin (South Asian) and medium olive skin tone. In Canada, the drug stores cater toward lighter skin tones and its pretty frustrating. High End counters tend to carry my color (most of the time, I am between 2 skin tones for foundations). When I go to Sephora, they tend to match the wrong color..

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