I keep seeing new displays pop up in my area every week with these palettes in them. At CVS and Rite Aid mostly. I got my three a while ago (haven’t swatched them yet) but I hear from readers often that haven’t seen these at all where they live. I thought I’d give three of these away to one lucky winner!
This giveaway is international so if you have a mailbox I will get these to you if you win! Use the Rafflecopter tool below to enter!
Every day, not always a full face but every day makeup of some description lol.
5 days per week, sometimes if I stay home more maybe 2 days/week. I do love wearing makeup but I try to leave my skin breath whenever I don’t go out
5 days a week to cover them blemishes:)
Around 4 or 5 of say
Hi I live in the Uk but I love your videos, I’m addicted! I wear make up everyday and have bought the Maybelline Tattoo eye shadows after seeing them in your videos. Thanks Debs
At least 4 days
4 or 5, depending on how much i’m going out
Im entering this sweet giveaway!!! Thannk you momma for this ine <3 GORGEOUS!! xoxo Bethany
I wear make-up at least 5 to 6 days out of the week.
3-5 days a week.
Only when I go out so maybe the weekends, on a good weekend. That would be once or twice.
uh oh…I wear makeup nearly everyday! Whenever I’m going out in public.
I wear makeup everyday unless I am home cleaning all day…
I wear makeup 2 days a week or whenever I’m going out…and I cant stay without kohl.
Thank you for the giveaway!!
I wear it when I go out.
Definitely wear make up 7 days a week, unless there’s an odd day I don’t plan on leaving the house.
Probably 4 to 5 days a week!! It’s good to give your face a break so if I’m not going anywhere I don’t usually wear any!
I wear makeup whenever I leave the house! Lol!
4 to 5 days per week on average.
The No Neutral Ground colors look beautiful!
probably about 5 days a week
2-3!! I used to wear more often
6 days on average.
5 days a week
I wear makeup everyday, be it to go to work, a natural look, or on my days off, a more vibrant lip color or more intense look. I love wearing makeup. I
Hm, I only wear it for special occasions.
1-2 if that many!
it depends, i dont work now (when i did work, i did wear make up for work everyday) i only use it when i really do something like visit family or firneds, go to the doctor or going out with my hubby. -normally if i only have to go buy grocery or to take my son to the park i wont do my make up.
Everytime I go out!
Between 3 or 4 times a week maybe
Almost every day !
Usually, 5 days per week but now, i’m staying home and i wear make up only when i’m going out ..
3-4x a week
7 days! I always wear powder and eyeshadow!
2 or 3 days minimum.
Usually 5 days a week
I wear makeup 3-4 a week.
Everytime I leave the house!
hello! 5 from 7 days i wear make-up
I always wear make up whenever i’m going out whether for shopping, hang out with my friends, so probably 3- 4 times in a week =)
I wear makeup daily. Sometimes I do a full face, but on days like today when I have limited time I just use foundation, powder and blush.
I don’t wear make-up generally if I’m at home but love to when I go out and always on the weekends!
Usually only once or twice a week … unless putting on some lipstick every day counts as “full make-up”.
3-4 days a week
Every day, because makeup is an important part of supporting appearance that always looks more attractive in front of her husband and others.
every day =P
every day
I wear it when I go out. ^____^
6 days a week :p
I wear make up 5x a week.
2 or 3 days a week
Every day!
7 days a week, but more on some days and less on others.
Every day I go out wether to work, to university or just to have fun. Usually it’s about 6 days out of the 7 since I take Sunday to relax at home in my pjs
Great giveaway! Every week is different for me…sometimes I wear make-up every day ! Goodluck everyone!:)
5 or 6, depends how many days I’m staying at home
At least 4 days
I wear make up 6-7 days a week, but the amount of it changes depending on where I’m going, and it’s usually only concealer, mascara, eyeliner, a bit of blush and lipstick. Thanks for the giveaway!
every days….I love make up…
I wear make up 4-5 days a week.
Twice per week
Once a week, I wear makeup
Unfortunaly I don’t work so I wear make up 2 or 3 times a week.
I usually wear make-up whenever I leave the house. So 4-5 days a week. And if I go out with friends on the weekend, of course!
I don’t wear makeup that much. maybe once a week.
I am a stay at home mom so only when I go out
I wear light make-up every day to work: just foundation and matte powder.
Usually 6, the hubs and I typically don’t leave the house on Sundays, so I don’t normally bother.
I would say 4-5
5 days a week when i go to work…
That depends how my week will be, but usualy I wear make up 5 days a week.
Everyday! Except the occasional lazy Sunday
7 days a week aahahhaha
well, i work from home so not every day. usually just on weekends if i go out shopping or to dinner. i own a LOT of makeup but i don’t wear it every day – i am trying to change that habit, though!
during weekdays
Basically 5-6 days!
I wear makeup about 4 days out of the week. When I worked I wore it everyday.
everyday ,,, ^^
i love make up but just naturally
2 days per week.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Depends what I’m up to, but about 5-6 days a week.
Around 4 or 5 days
1 or 2 days a week or whenever i am going somewhere . As my acne is getting better i don’t put on that much makeup anymore which once i used to do
around 4-5 days a week
probably about 3 days of the week!
4 or 5 days
Only when I go out which is about 3 or 4 times a week.
I typically only (really) wear makeup on the weekends. Otherwise concealer, mascara, and tinted foundation is fine for work days.
i wear make up only when i’m going out
Hello! 5 0r 6 days a week I use makeup.
Everyday of the week I wear makeup, but it s also very natural makeup , some masacara and khol and sometimes lips balm.
Thank you for this lovely giveaway!
3-5 days
Every time I leave the house!
Only when I go out. I work from home, so I don’t use it everyday.
I wear about 4 days a week but I definitely like those days when I let my skin catch a break and be able to breathe
around 5
5 because sometimes i need to let me skin breath
1 or 2 days… but I wear a lot of make up in that 2 days LOL
2 to 3 times a week!
4 0r 5
I usually wear makeup 6 dayds a week.
I wear make up almost 6 days a week
Usually five days a week.
About 2
At list 5 days!
2/7 at the moment. I don’t have a job right now but I would wear it almost everyday once i have one!
1-2 days per week
3-5 Days!
whenever i go out i wear makeup. i would say 3-5 days a week.
About everyday! I love to do my make up it gives me some time for myself and makes me feel better!
I wear makeup Monday through Friday. Tinted moisturizer, lipstick, bronzer, mascara, eye liner and brow color.
Love makeup and the whole process of application so it’s an everyday kinda thang… Love your videos and your blog…good job, take care and cya in your next video…:)
I wear makeup everyday…….I love makeup
EVERY day (unless sick)… I dont leave the house without…
I usually wear makeup say, 2 days a week, because my time in the mornings is very limited. I own a ton but I just can’t get around to using the products! I do love a good lipstick though, so I will usually wear that.
I’ve been wearing make up only on week days.
Tutti i giorni !!!
E-mail: tranidora@hotmail.it
I aim for 5 days a week.
I wear makeup 5 days out of the week. I love makeup. If I could, I would wear it on the weekends as well, but I am just too lazy and busy to do it.
I don’t wear makeup everyday. Probably one day a week (to church on Sunday) unless something else is going on or if I have a meeting or something during the week.
during work days and during events
I usually wear makeup 4-5 days a week but mostly eye products. When I go out at night I would do full face.
I am wearing make up every day!
Wet n’ Wild’s color coordination rocks!
Everyday! 7 days a week!
i wear makeup 7 days a week
3-5 days a week.
I wear makeup everyday. Even when i’m home i like to wear something natural, just to be prettier
5 days
every other day, but light make up, like lipstick or lipgloss.
Full face make up only on weekends or on some special occasion.
I started wearing makeup regularly just last year (and I’m in my mid-30′s!) Now I put on a full face of makeup everyday (lighter on weekends) and I’ve been enjoying a lot of YouTube channels (like yours!) that help me learn how to apply it properly, what products to try, what colors work for my skintone, etc. THANK YOU!
about 5-6 days
I think 5 days… lol
I wear makeup or some sort everyday, no foundation yet
I wear makeup about 4 times a week.
I wear makeup the days i work/go out
I like to wear make up 3 days of the week. Or weekends especially if I go out. Love playing with make up am a beginner.
in the summer i rarely wear make up, maybe mascara three times a week (and a very nude lipstick) and in the winter i def wear it every day haha!
I don’t wear makeup everyday, I only apply mascara and lip balm for my class but on special occasions I apply makeup !!!!!
i wear make up when i need to go out, usually 5-6 days.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Every day
Every day! I like it!)
around 3 days per week
Lately quite rarely – on weekend when visiting friends, going to theatre or bussiness event – Thanks for giveaway
Hmmm well it depends… But around 4 times a week!
4-5 days, it depends on how many free days I have:)
About 3 days a week!
5 or 6 days
I wear make-up when I go out! Can’t leave home without it!
I wear makeup every day!
i wear make up only when i’m going out
5 days
Cute sets
4 or 5 days a week, depends on how many times I go out of the house
I wear makeup everyday, but I prefer discrete colours. actually, I use a BB cream from Dior and it’s SPF50, so It is a real gain of time.. too simple, too quick!
3 to 4 days a week
3-5 times !
5 days a week
I wear makeup 5 days a week
About 5-6 times a week
6 days a week.
Amaizing blog!Kisses.
i wear makeup 4-5 times a week
I love make up … so i wear it nearly every day
♥♥ Thank you for the great giveaway! ♥♥
I only wear makeup on weekends :))
I wear make-up at least 3 or 4 days a week
About 4 or 5 days a week, ofc sometimes more or less hehe
i wear makeup 1-2 times per week!
5 days a week
I wear makeup everyday .
Every single day!!!
about 5 days a week
about 2-3 times per week
It all depends on how early I wake up! But probably 3-4, not so much on the weekend.
I use to wear makeup 3-4 days in a week.
Every single day !
Every Single day!!! I love makeup!!!
I use full makeup 3 days.. The other days I just use eyeliner
Every day
on weekends ^^
Almost every day!
4-5 days a week.
Almost everyday!
I wear makeup every day!
I wear makeup everyday! Thanks for the giveaway! =)
Almost every day!
but is light make up, just mascara, eye-liner and concealer
i wear makeup like once a day
only on special occasions
I have to wear make-up for work so, I tend to not use much out of work unless I’m going out or wanting to perk myself up a bit.
Every day, I wouldn’t want to scare anyone!
7 days a week lol
Mostly 7 days a week!
I wear a tinted lip balm most days but only wear full makeup for special occasions
4 or 5 usually
7 day a week
Most days, as I enjoy applying it so I don’t find it that much of a chore. Sometimes I go for a ‘not wearing make up’ make up look though! hehe!
Jenifer xx
I only wear it when I go out.
3-4 days a week
One or two
I wear make-up about 2-3 days a week and mainly just eyeliner, can’t live without that!
Just when I go out at weekends.
i wear make up 5 days a week!!!
1 day as you cant ware it in work.
I wear make up every day unless I’m staying in and know no one will see me
I wear mascara everyday, other makeup usually about 3 to 4 times a week x
Every time I go out, maybe 5 to 6 days per week
Everyday I go outside pretty much – or have a very bad skin day!
5 days a week
A small amount every day – more when I’m going out on the town
About 4 or 5. I don’t bother if I’m gardening at the weekend.
hardly ever, but i am going to try to do it at least once a week
I tend to wear makeup most days if I’m out and about. If it’s a lazy day at home I’m usually makeup free.
I usually wear make up 6 days a week but it can depend on what I am doing that week or where I am going. If I am having a lazy day at home I do not usually bother.
I just wear a little foundation and blusher every day xx
only when i have to leave the house. prob 5-6 days.
I wear make-up about 6 days a week usually! but only eye makeup/lipstick in the evening
At least 4 days a week, but just a little lippy and mascara for work.
4 days
I wear make-up every day, I couldn’t go a day without it on.. without make-up I feel naked!!
I wear make up every day – I re do it if I’m going out in the evenings too
Every day that i go out…. so mon-fri for work but i try to stay in on one of my days off just so i can relax, not put on make up and just chill at home.
4 or 5 days a week!
When I am at home I only where make-up for special occasions or when I am going for a night out, but when I am on holiday I wear it during the day and then wash off and re-apply a different look at night!
1 or 2
I don’t wear makeup! Yet…
It varies depending on what I am doing or where I am going
Roughly 5 days a week
3-4 times a week
Between 3-5.
I’ve only ever worn makeup when going out to something special so less than once a week.
I wear make up everyday
most days but only a little bit
Once or twice a week.
Usually just weekends
I can’t go out very often but when I do, I always wear make-up, so probably twice a week
A couple of days a week
I wear make up every weekday then at a weekend if I’m going out
5 days per week
Very, very rarely!
8 day a week! x
Maybe once a month
Every day.
I always have a bit of make up on, normally only mascara.
Every day.
Every time I go out! So sometimes it can be 7 day a week,but sometimes when I have exams I stay at home to study,so it can also be 7 days without makeup
Very rarely. Tends to be only eyeshadow and mascara when I do.
One or two
Everyday, unless I stay home at the weekend x
At least 5 days – sometimes 6
3 or 4 usually
I wear make-up 7 days a week
Most days, only exception is when I’m not going out
5-6 days
this is so sweet i love them
about 4 or 5
Whenever I leave the house, so at least 5 days a week for work.
usually 5 days
Weekend’s only
5 days per week most of the time.
every day
A couple of times a week depending on what I’m doing
Around 5 or 6 days a week! The only time i don’t wear it is if i don’t go out
I only wear it when I’m going out at night or when I’m on holiday so I can go weeks without wearing any & then wear it for several days in a row.
3-4 days a week
About 5 or 6 days a week.
Usually 6 days a week – I have very small eyes so need some lovely eyeshadow, like the one your are giving away, to make them look bigger. Rarely go out without it!
Only on work days.
Usually 6 days, have at least 1 day off a week
5 days a week x
i wear make up every day of the week not
Around 5 days a week xx