Z Palettes



Small Zebra Z Palette ($14 online)






I got a small Z Palette at IMATS in New York. I have two larger ones and I love them! You can fit all your eyeshadows in them, blushes too.









Z Palette has a great website, www.zpalette.com with lots of information. There are de-potting tips and a guide to how many shadows will fit into each type Z Palette according to the eyeshadow brand you are considering putting into a palette. Some of the brands that work well are Mac, Nars, Stila, Make Up For Ever, and NYX eyeshadows just to name a few.

They have several different styles and two different palette sizes. The small palette above can fit 9 Mac eyeshadows in it. The palettes come in great colors and designs like black, hot pink, zebra, and leopard.




Large Leopard Z Palette

w/21 Coastal Scents Hot Pot Eyeshadows




The larger Z Palettes are very useful too. If you’d like to have a lot of eyeshadows in an easy to carry palette this can’t be beat!



Large Z Palette and Small Z Palette






Hope this was helpful, just a little show and tell!

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  1. April says

    I’m going to IMATS in Pasadena for the first time in June and am doing my research now and came across your blog, which is pretty cool btw. I was wanting to know if the Z palettes are cheaper at IMATS or just the regular price?

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