I love this lipstick color, the fact that its $2.19 at CVS is a bonus. I showed you my favorite color from High School weeks ago Reggae Red #5014 . This color is just as pretty. I ripped the yucky plastic label off the bottom so I think if I Google’d this right it’s called Purple Passion…thats a good name!
Check these out if your CVS or other local drugstore has them. I think they do an excellent job for the money. These are a steal! While you are there check the Black Radiance blushes also. I reviewed a few of them and they are a good deal.
I love BR. I have tried a few of there products and they are pretty good for a drug store brand.
They are!
i want lipcolors of BR. I am from India. My husband brought it for me from Texas unfortunately i lost my kit. Now i want them desperately. please do the need ful. please email me on my email id. thanks and regards.
i had this shade as well as raggae red… i lost them… i want them please help