Blog Anniversary Giveaway #5-A Little Luxury Bag

Little Luxury Bag

Who doesn’t like a little luxury mixed in with everyday staples? A little Dolce & Gabbana and Dior never hurt right? This little baggy will make any edgy makeup lover happy! Just imagine going out for the evening with D&G Violet lipstick (bright pinky-purple) with a little Dior Addict gloss in Outrageous Fuchsia on top! Your going to look like a BADASS.

One lucky winner will enjoy:

-Bare Minerals Black Gold Big & Bright Eyeliner

-Buxom Onyx Eyeliner

-Bare Minerals Flawless Definition Volumizing Mascara, Black

-Bare Minerals Flawless Definition Mascara, Black

-Buxom Big & Healthy Diamond Lip Polish, Sarina

-Dior Addict Ultra Gloss, Outrageous Fuchsia #686

-Dolce & Gabbana Shine Lipstick, Violet #100

-Milani Color Statement Lipstick, Orange-gina #03

Use the Rafflecopter tool below to enter. International entries are welcome. Good luck everyone!

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  1. MiMi says

    YSL – they have a wide range of products and they have expanded their concealers! The lipsticks! The glosses!

  2. Kelsey says

    I consider Urban Decay a high-end brand (I’m a student and can’t afford much more than loreal or maybelline :$), so I would have to say i’d love to try UD or Mac

  3. Genia says

    i would love to try kat von d! i heard so many great things but it seems like everything is super expensive!

  4. Juli H. says

    Oh that’s a toughy! Overall it would be Urban Decay! I have some of their products and I love them! (After that it would be Benefit even though I’ve never tried it)

  5. Callahan Chapman says

    Would love to try Chanel, haven’t had anything from them…yet ;)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway Crystal!

  6. Nadine says

    I’m definitely going to have to say Dior! They have an amazing variety. They’re not just good at one kind of product! I just wish I had the money to buy stuff from them!

  7. Peggy Velez says

    I pick me some Dolce and Gabbana…….slap it on and make me some of those collard greens with jalepenos your hubby made!

  8. Africanorchid says

    Looks like some really nice stuff. I really would love to try that Dolce & Gabbana lippie and the Dior lippie. :-D

  9. Kir Hood says

    Gosh..I haven’t tried much from any of them since i’m on a college budget but I tried the YSL touche eclat foundation because of youtuber suggestions and I LOVE IT. Im so addicted now, I’m saving up to go buy some glosses and a concealer!

  10. bishie says

    All of them lol? You look so sophisticated when you own Channel, YSL, Dior and D&G makeup.

    I would say Dior though.

  11. Patrizia says

    I get Dior and Chanel products which I love, but if I could get Burberry (which I cannot have shipped to me…) I would loooove it!

  12. Samantha F. says

    I can’t pick just one. Probably Chanel, Dior, or YSL. Can’t afford to try anything from any of those brands…

  13. Mea-Lynn says

    Guerlain&burberry!!! I’m really interested to know what brands some artists use…and if the higher end brands really do make outstanding incomparable products.

  14. Titi says

    Nars! Nars! Nars! As much as I love bits and pieces from most highend brands, Nars simply has way more options than most for WOC.

  15. Nikole says

    My dream high end product would be a YSL lipstick. I’ve seen them on YT vids but I just can’t justify spending that much money on something that insignificant.

  16. Anne says

    ugh this is a hard one! i would pick chanel (since the prices are kind of ridiculous sometimes) but close 2nd/3rd would be mac and urban decay for the variety :)

  17. Unekwu says

    That Dior Addict lipgloss is calling my name! I just started using Dior and I LOVE their stuff…so pricey, but its worth the investment!

  18. Kelley Garner says

    I really have taken interest in Dior after your last haul video showing the beautiful glosses! I really hope I win this one, so I can try it out!!! :)

  19. Reba says

    I’ve never tried Guerlain, but I’d love to get their products just because the packaging is so elegant!!

  20. Vanessa says

    I would say Chanel. It’s a line I’ve avoided and I prefer not to pay for the “label”. That said, the packaging is temping and the glosses and lipsticks get great reviews.

  21. Tanya says

    I’d love to try MAC and more things from Urban Decay. I only have one eyeshadow from UD, but it’s amazing!

  22. Nida Moughal says

    I would love to try YSL!
    I always wanted to try it but its soo expensive and its not even available in my county.

  23. Faiza Qaiser says

    I would love to get products from Estee lauder. My sister used its products and I always longed to have them

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