Break From Beauty-Nashville…Have You Been Watching This Show?

I knew in the first fifteen minutes of the pilot episode that I liked this show. I watched it with my mama (who lived in Nashville most of her life) and she loved it too. The acting is good and the plot is even better.

Hayden Panettiere (from Heroes) is Juliette Barnes a rising country singer. She’s a determined hard to love character in my opinion but fun to watch. Connie Britton (from Friday Night Lights) is Rayna James a 40-year old country western singing superstar that’s career isn’t going so well. These two don’t like each other but I enjoy watching them try to further their careers.

I even like the country music they play throughout the show. It’s not bad at all! Both of these ladies have a thing for Deacon. Isn’t it funny how it always comes down to a guy with shows? Ha! Deacon is in the pic below…I must say I kind of get it.

Hopefully this new show makes it. I think it’s fun to watch and one of my favorite new shows this year. Let me know if you are watching this! I hate it when I get into shows and they get cancelled. I hope this doesn’t happen to Nashville. It comes on Wednesday nights at 10pm on ABC.

Are there any other new shows you like this Fall that are good? I have a few favorites so far this year.  I like Arrow, Elementary, Last Resort, and Emily Owen’s M.D. Please let me know if you have any favorites! I can still catch up on Hulu so let me know!

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  1. Melissa says

    Yes- I watched Nashville tonight and love it! Hoping that they do not cut this one. I also like Once Upon a Time, Scandal, and 666 Park Avenue.

  2. Monica says

    I’m currently watching The New Normal and I think it’s pretty funny. The pilot may not be for everyone but I think its witty and full of humor. That’s seems to be the only new show I enjoy. I’m still watching Law & Order: SVU, The Big Bang Theory and some other shows on cable.

    • says

      That show is really good. Ellen Barkin is something else as the grandma. Her character is one of the most cringe worthy I’ve ever seen but when she walks into that house I sit up a little straighter. She means business! The political debate they had at the dinner table a few weeks ago (i think the episode was called Obama Mama? LOL!) was something else. They sneak some really interesting commentary in there and make you think. I love L&O SVU above all others. The 300th episode last night was good. I miss Stabler though. Bring back Stabler!

  3. Danielle says

    I was not intending to watch this show but then was bored one day and watched the pilot on demand. I too was hooked with the first episode. I wouldn’t normally say I was a fan of country but have been loving the songs they play and even went to seek them out on iTunes. I agree with you about Hayden she is hard to like (she can be evil too)but I also somewhat feel bad for her.

    • says

      I just decided to try the first episode and didn’t expect much because I don’t like country music. The music they play is the good stuff. Hayden’s character is hard to like but those scenes with her mama are heartbreaking. The acting is so good and they keep it moving which is what I like so much. I have to watch last nights episode tonight w/the husband. He even likes it!

  4. Asia C. says

    OMG, yes I’m hooked on the show (as if I needed another one to add to my long list of favorites). It just draws you in. I can’t wait until next week when her shoplifting hits the airways. The acting is great, the plot is all kind of juicy and the music is not bad (I love myself a good Carrie Underwood or Shania song, but by no means am I a country music fan:))! Nashville and Scandal are my go to shows this fall, I just <3 them!

  5. says

    I’m terrible at catching new shows. Need to see if it’s on demand so I cat get caught up. That’s all I need is to get hooked on another show. Scandal alone gets my blood pressure up every Thursday lol!

    • says

      Oh and why do all the good shows come on at 10!!! Sheesh! “Prime time” back in the day was 8pm! I guess I’m “dating” myself lol! I watch Grey’s and Glee but I always fall off mid season because they get boring to me. I watch NCIS but more so the marathons on USA. I used watch Law & Order SVU but stopped since my baby daddy Stabler is gone. I still catch reruns on USA :D Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother are hilarious. I need to get catch up on both shows but they aren’t hard to follow even thought I’ve missed episodes. I don’t watch too many new shows. Give me a Golden Girls marathon and I’m happy.

      • says

        Stabler is MY BABY DADDY! Lol! I can only take so much Glee I aways am in for a few episodes and then I’m out. I have seen every episode of Greys. I started watching it in the 3rd year it was on after catching up with the first and second season DVD’s. I like Private Practice too. It’s going off the air after this season which is too bad. I like the characters a lot.

  6. Tricia says

    I love Nashville!! It’s my favorite new show this year. I live in a suburb of Nashville so it’s really cool seeing places/sights I see/visit all the time.

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