I’m taking a really fun makeup course for a few days. I just wanted to let you know because I’m so excited about it! I am going to have regular posts for you during my days away but I hope [...]
By: Crystal2 Comments
I’m taking a really fun makeup course for a few days. I just wanted to let you know because I’m so excited about it! I am going to have regular posts for you during my days away but I hope [...]
By: Crystal4 Comments
Just thought I’d show you how hands on my boss Jinx is. She is always right there for pictures and oversees most posts that I do. She also isn’t above pushing her way into pictures and looking indignant on cue. She’s a hard task master but [...]
By: Crystalcomment
Check it out, on sale till Thursday of this week! Here’s a link to register for free: http://www.hautelook.com/invite/crystalis007 .
By: Crystal4 Comments
I don’t know about you but I love aquariums and animals of almost any kind. We went to visit the Baltimore Aquarium and saw the Dolphin show yesterday. It was a lot of fun even though there were a million people there. I hate crowds mostly but it was so fun and worth it because [...]
By: Crystal4 Comments
I got these new makeup brushes at Ulta at the end of March. I was excited to try them since I’m a big Pixiwoo fan. I just love their makeup videos on YouTube. I was looking at the display and one of the girls that works at Ulta asked me if I had felt the [...]