New Wet n Wild Tough Girl Beauty Army Limited Edition Palettes (Quick Swatches!)

Wet n Wild Tough Girl Sets-$2.99 each at Kmart

Here are some swatches of the four palettes I picked up from Kmart. I haven’t used them yet but I wanted to get the swatches up for the peeps that are on the lookout for these and want to know what to pick up! Click on a picture to make it bigger!

Here we go!








Zero Dark Flirty








Soldiers in Charms









I Don’t Do Camouflage








Enlisting For Beauty

There are some additional palettes available but I haven’t come across those yet! These are a nice deal for $2.99! I think these trios are fun and I’m loving the textures. I can’t wait to try these on my eyes:)

If you missed the video where I picked these up here it is!

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  1. Nikole says

    I’m so grateful you did this. I saw EmilyNoel83′s swatch of Enlisting for Beauty and had my BFF on alert to hold one for me as soon as it comes in. Now that i’ve seen your swatches, I’m not sure it’s what i’m looking for at all. Thank you so much for making my shopping experiences better :-)

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