Random Post…

Sorry I haven’t posted lately but…I’m sick! I got hit like a ton of bricks with a cold yesterday and I’ve been in my pajama’s all drugged up and snotty today. I think I”m going to be better soon. My husband is the best. He came home with an arsenal of stuff for me! Look at what’s going on my bedside table! He even got me the National Enquirer lol! I love reading that stuff while I drown myself in medicine. And my favorite candy is what really makes me well not the Nyquil in case you were wondering:)

Guess what came today? Drumroll please! Glitter Gal Lizard Belly Nail Polish!!

Talk to you guys soon, I hope your having a great week!

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  1. victoria says

    That isn’t liquor up there, that says “Royal….”, by the remote is it? haha just joking, hope you feel better soon, this east coast weather ain’t no joke. Plus, I miss reading your posts and viewing your videos of your latest reviews and purchases :)

    P.S. thanks for your post a while back on the Samsung camera, I love cameras like that where I can see myself and take self photos. I plan on purchasing that soon and then making some haul videos of my own

    • says

      Haha! Its these wafer things filled with chocolate, they are darn good!!! I am working my way through them. The Samsung camera is really nice. I got a Panasonic Lumix too, that thing is amazing!!

  2. xdelice says

    awww sooo sweet and he didn t forget the candy either so excellent!
    girl i pray that you get better soon because i can t imagine you with the lack of that super energy of yours lol! keep smiling girl, miss u! kisses

  3. Loretta says

    I meant to post you well wishes last week but totally forgot but you must be feeling better because you are blogging away! Thank God for exceptional husbands who nurse us back to health!
    Have a great day!

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