This Just In: Nars Summer 2012 Collection Picks!

nars summer 2012

My Nars order was sitting on my doorstep when I got home today and I couldn’t be happier! I got free shipping and 20% off my picks (at thanks to a fellow blogger so yay me! I shared the code on Twitter (@crystalcam follow me) and Instagram (crystalis007) so I think quite a few [...]

Revlon Hot Coral #712 Lipstick

revlon hot coral lipstick

Looking for a coral/orange trendy lipstick at the drugstore? Here’s a great one to consider! Revlon Hot Coral.                                 This is my first Revlon creme lipstick from the Moon Drops line in the green lipstick tube. I have to tell [...]

Dolce & Gabbana Blush: Mauve Diamond & Sole

dolce & gabbana mauve diamond blush

There are two new (to me) blushes that I am breaking out starting today. I purchased them a while ago but today they are coming out of their boxes! They are both beautiful and if you’ve never tried a D&G blush ($44 each) let me tell you that they are worth checking out. I have [...]