NYX Rouge Cream Blush #08 Hot Pink

nyx rouge cream blush #08 hot pink

                I love cream blush. Once a friend of mine (hey frankie!) on YouTube schooled me on the right way to apply it I was hooked. I’ve tried so many brands and colors in recent months. One of my favorite economical brands for cream blush is NYX. They [...]

Cargo EyeBase

cargo eyebase

                                I’m crazy about eye primer. I crave every kind of eyeshadow so I guess it makes sense. I don’t have super oily lids thank goodness but most formulas work on my lids and keep my eyeshadow just where I [...]

NOTD: Dior Blue Denim+OPI Servin Up Sparkle

dior blue denim and opi servin up sparkle

                                I’m in love with Dior Blue Denim, I got it last week and decided to mix it up with some OPI Servin Up Sparkle. I did two coats of Blue Denim on all my nails, two coats of Servin [...]

Hong Kong Goodies

Hong Kong Goodies

                            I have a beauty buddy from Hong Kong and she sent me a box of great stuff to try recently. I love trying stuff from all over so I really look forward to things like this! I’ll show these things up [...]