Benefit They’re Real Mascara

benefit they're real mascara

                    I’ve been hearing so much about this new mascara from Benefit. I have some mascaras I need to try out in the next few weeks already so it might be a while till I get to this one. I am so looking forward to getting my [...]

Congrats to Sylvia!

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                    Sylvia won the Color Club Nail Polish and Kissable Couture giveaway! I’ll be mailing out your goodies to you this week, enjoy!

Most Used-This Week Anyway

most used products

These poor items have been in heavy rotation this week. I thought I’d tell you about them and then maybe I’ll stop reaching for them then? Well anyway, here we go! Sonia Kashuk Multi Purpose Brush- I love Sonia K’s brushes. So cute and great prices! I have a post about when I picked this [...]

Things That I Do, That I’m Afraid To Tell You….

makeup brushes

There are some things that I’ve been doing recently that I haven’t talked about and I want to get your thoughts on. Nothing earth shattering, just stuff that some of you out there might strongly disagree with.                         For months I’ve been cleaning my [...]

Inglot The Power of Matte Palette

inglot the power of matte palette

                Inglot is amazing. When I saw them at a recent event without a crazy line I had to step up and see if they had this palette. I think I saw it on a YouTube video, I can’t remember now but when the helpful Inglot employee handed [...]