Sleek Haul-Reviews Coming Soon

Sleek Makeup Haul

  The people at Sleek sent me a 50% off coupon. I decided to get a bunch of stuff that I wanted to try and review! I love their eyeshadow palettes, I have several of them. They are so pigmented and the price! Such a great value. I have wanted to try out a variety of [...]

Real Techniques Brushes by Sam of Pixiwoo

real techniques travel essential brushes

I got these new makeup brushes at Ulta at the end of March. I was excited to try them since I’m a big Pixiwoo fan. I just love their makeup videos on YouTube. I was looking at the display and one of the girls that works at Ulta asked me if I had felt the [...]

Bite Superfruit Butter

bite superfruit butter

                Have you seen this new moisturizing butter from Bite beauty? Besides moisturizing your lips and skin really well, there is fruit in there! All the little dots you see are pieces of fruit. Actually they are superfruits! Interesting huh? These superfruits protect and nourish your skin. I [...]

Yaby Best of Both Worlds Palette

yaby best of both worlds palette

Here is another item I got from IMATS in NYC. The Yaby Cosmetics booth was one of my first stops and I got two palettes. I thought I’d show you one of their most popular palettes first, the Best of Both Worlds Palette. This palette retails for a whopping $136, but at IMATS it was [...]

Urban Decay Quinceanera Bag

urban decay quinceanera bag

It’s Urban Decay’s 15th anniversary and boy are they celebrating! They have come out with a beautiful purple sparkly bag that holds a lot of makeup. I really like that you don’t have to worry about spilling anything because the entire bag can be wiped off if you spill anything.. the inside and outside, genius! [...]