Nars Summer 2011 Collection

nars 2011 summer

                                  Nail Colors: Ecume (matte white), Kismet (shimmery sunflower) Eye Shadow Trio: Cap Ferrat (OMG I NEED THIS, bottom corner of pic-I’ll take it!) Duo Eye Shadow: Dogon (metallic beige and metallic royal navy) Duo Eye Shadow: Exotic Dance [...]

Rimmel Eyeful Eye Glistener #200 Straight Laced

rimmel eye glistener eyeful straight laced

Do you ever want to try something different? Just go out on a limb and try something that looks a little strange or space age but might just be fantastic? Well let me introduce you to Rimmel’s Eyeful Eye Glisteners…. This product is hard to describe. It is a creamy sheer eye pencil. It can be used [...]

E.L.F. Studio Single Eyeshadow Raspberry Truffle

e.l.f. single eyeshadow raspberry truffle

I love eyeshadow. I’m a little crazy about my collection of eyeshadows. I decided since I was trying a whole bunch of E.L.F. products I should definitely try out the single eyeshadows. At $3 a shade why not!       Raspberry Truffle $3         I love this eyeshadow. It’s a wonderful [...]

Hard Candy Glossaholic Lip Gloss

hard candy glossaholic tipsy lip gloss

Lip gloss makes my world go around. So when I came across Hard Candy’s Glossaholic in Walmart I was ready to give it a go!       Tipsy $5 (.38 oz.)         There are several beautiful shades available. Hard Candy Cosmetics just came to my Walmart’s makeup section. I have tried [...]

Black Radiance Artisan Color Baked Blush

black radiance toasted almond and warm berry blush

I love blush and if it’s at a great price then I’m on it! I found these beautiful baked blushes from Black Radiance at my local drugstore and I had to pick them up!       Warm Berry and Toasted Almond ($5.49 each)         I am always attracted to any eyeshadows or [...]