E.L.F. 2 in 1 Conditioning Gloss Va Va Voom

E.L.F. 2 in 1 conditioning gloss va va voom

    Va Va Voom $3           This gloss from E.L.F. comes in a beautiful looking tube. The color is in the inner tube and the clear gloss is in the outer tube. Great idea right? Well kind of…. The distribution of color and gloss is a little off to me [...]

YSL Pure Chromatics Eyeshadow Quads

ysl quads

    YSL Pure Chromatics Quads $48 each           So beautiful! New eyeshadow quads from YSL! I have quite a few really pretty eyeshadow duos from YSL that I use regularly. I am a sucker for eyeshadows that you can use wet or dry so I was really excited about this new [...]

E.L.F. Minty Lip Gloss Houston

E.L.F. Minty Lip Gloss Houston

      E.L.F. Minty Lip Gloss Houston $3         I love this lip gloss. Absolutely love it. When I first applied it the minty tingle on my lips was a little strange but it goes away after five minutes or so. The minty smell is also very strong. If you are sensitive [...]

Urban Decay Fun Palette

urban decay fun palette

    Urban Decay Fun Palette $34         This palette looks amazingly cute and well FUN! I NEED it. I love the bright colors, this is just perfect for Spring! I currently have the other two palettes that came out at the same time as this one. Here’s a brief look at [...]