Mac Pleasure Principle and She-Zam Dazzleglass Comparison

mac pleasure principle dazzleglass

A few of you asked for a comparison of the new Dazzleglass shades Pleasure Principle and She-Zam from the Glitter and Ice Collection. Both colors are really great but here are some pictures that I hope help you guys decide:)                 Pleasure Principle           [...]

Mac Glitter & Ice Dazzleglass Swatches

mac glitter & ice dazzleglass

Love Alert!, She-Zam, Pleasure Principle, and Spanking Rich (top to bottom)                 Love Alert!, She-Zam, Pleasure Principle, and Spanking Rich swatched (top to bottom) My favorite out of the four is Pleasure Principle, I love it!

Mac Cleanse Off Oil/Tranquil

mac tranquil cleanse off oil

As an oily skinned (t-zone mainly) girl I avoid oil at all costs. In makeup items and skin care products I watch for oil in ingredients at all times. But over the last year or so many people who I watch on YouTube have been raving about Cleansing Oils. What surprised me was the fact that [...]