I don’t know about you but getting packages is one of my favorite things! I dazzle my husband with my ability to tell whether the UPS, FedEx, or regular mail truck is coming down our street. I can tell which truck it is no matter how loud [...]
By: Crystal2 Comments
I don’t know about you but getting packages is one of my favorite things! I dazzle my husband with my ability to tell whether the UPS, FedEx, or regular mail truck is coming down our street. I can tell which truck it is no matter how loud [...]
By: Crystal5 Comments
Jinx waiting patiently for the latest Mac collection to come out….. I thought I’d skip the pictures of the collection just because they might be burned into your head just like mine. Are you ready for this Mac sweet as candy collection? I am! Since the pictures first [...]
By: Crystalcomment
If you haven’t heard about the discount site Hautelook let me be the first to give you the lowdown. I found out about this site last summer. Hautelook is a website with amazing deals on clothes, household stuff, and MAKEUP! Everything is 50% or more off so I can tell you in several months I [...]
By: Crystalcomment
Add perfume to the list of my controlled (kind of) addictions. I tend to be a sucker for the fruity flowery scents but I thought I’d tell you about three of my favorites right now. Ahhh the name, Very [...]
By: Crystal2 Comments
I’ve been eyeing (LOL) this product for a while. I have under eye bags like nobody’s business, suitcases really! I’ve been waiting for this to go on sale and this week at CVS it’s $10 so I picked it up finally. The directions sound easy enough. All [...]